Sunday, 15 February 2015

Cumberwedding; Is this the real life or is it a fantasy?

It's like a fairytale really, the whole Cumbertale wedding. You have a prince charming who meets a lovely woman, they fall in love and they marry. Only she got pregnant first, it's the 21th Century after all. Only what some fangirls seem to forget is that what they so love in every other Disney film, they despise when it comes to the man of their dreams. Literally their dreams because if they would think it would ever happen, meeting him, him falling in love with them etc. they had another thing coming.

Yesterday, Valentine's Day, Benedict Cumberbatch married the love of his life, Sophie Hunter. Every fangirl/fanwoman/fanperson was over the moon. That is, every sane person. Every other spiteful, hateful 'fan' girl was screaming their lungs out and was pulling her hair out. Not to mention tweeting/blogging about it.
Even the media is putting every fan down once again by saying we are 'all' in mourning and by posting every hateful tweet they could find. That there are most likely more happy tweets and blogs about the marriage no paper will ever says, or that most fans ask to respect their privacy by not posting the pap pics.

Why is it that certain fangirls react in that way, I thought in the very early hours of this morning when I lay awake next to my snoring husband? Probably because they've never experienced anything in their own lives, no deaths to a loved one, no divorces, no illnesses, nothing that is so called 'having a live' and so they project that onto a celebrity and think he has to live a certain way, or the way that is in their twisted little brains anyway.
That snoring husband by the way, my second husband, I met him only a month when after being divorced. Love doesn't wait really. What did I have to say? No wait I'm not ready for you? We went ahead took the plunge and went to live together after six months. That will be eight years this year.

Guess what? Life isn't that Disney film where the princess rebels, sings it out of her system, gets hitched and marries at age 16!!
But if it were you wouldn't be all that judgemental. Why is it okay in a Disney film for a girl to get married to a (stranger) prince so quickly but when it happens to your favourite celeb you cry and yell it's wrong!
It's real life! First of all you don't know how long they know each other and you're not supposed to, second it's none of your business!
If you think your celeb crush had such poor judgement on the love of his life and how he wants to spend the rest of his life, why on earth do you want to stay a fan of the man? Why spread vile, viscious hate all over the 'interweb' as Ben would say.
Do you honestly think putting him, his wife, their unborn child and his choices down all the time would make him change his mind and make him run toward you?
Quite the opposite direction I would think!

I have one advice for each and everyone of you: Re-read your Fairytales again! No prince charming ever married the Wicked Witch!

© KH

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Open letter to Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch

Dear Ben,

You don't mind me calling you 'Ben' do you? You seem so familiar to me after being your fan for what seems ages now but hasn't been all that long really to be perfectly honest with you. I'm one of those fans 'who came into the Cumberfandom through Sherlock fans' as many of us have. But it seems like forever because everyday I see your face. It has come to that you know.

I am a 47 year old woman, I have a husband, two boys age 20 and 18 and I'm not a fan'girl' really and yet, I can't help myself but squeal every time I see you on TV like the other day at the BAFTA's. I know I've got it bad... I'm 9 years older than you are, but still...
I would've come Ben, I would. Anything for the Fandom you know! If only...

I am talking about the Sherlock Event of course. I don't know if you know it Ben, but you are being used as a commercial milk cow (pardon the expression). Have you seen those prices? Sure there are cheaper tickets for sale, but the ones to just meet you and get 5 seconds with you for a quick photograph (you even get restrictions not to pull faces sweetie, or not to point to much) and an autograph are from £ 595 up to £ 2995 ! I mean really Ben even you should feel that is ridiculous to ask so much from mostly teenage girls (and some older women who have teenagers themselves who are very expensive you know!) For those VIP tickets you can buy a car for God's sake! I haven't even talked about the airline and hotel expenses yet! Which are high because of poor planning, you know the convention is at the same time as the London Marathon do you?

I mean come on; I do love you as an actor and as a person but that's a bit too much wouldn't you say?
I would love to have gone, not only to see you mind you; but to meet all those lovely online friends I've made while I was tweeting and tumbling about you, sharing my edits and my love for you and your acting and for Sherlock too. (I can't help it but I do see all of your characters as seperate persons from you, is that weird?)
To meet all those lovely girls and women I've grown to love so much was really the main reason to go to such an event, and frankly you where the cherry on the big cake.

But Ben, it's not going to happen. Not for that kind of money anyway. I will keep my dreams and will try to meet some of my friends one day, one time.

I always say; everything happens for a reason. I was going to travel for the very first time all alone to this con. To meet my friends, to meet you. It was said they would let us all know in advance. 2 months isn't in advance really. I have planned a trip to Edinburgh with my sister, a city where my heart lies. But also a city where your fiancee is from. Now I don't have to look around if I see you with her by any chance and I can just enjoy my trip, my first trip in years!
Maybe we will meet one day, but until then, I will still admire you from a distance, only it will be more with my head out of the clouds this time.

With love, as always,


All Hallows Eve (2)

 An old one but since it's Halloween... a Throwback.  All Hallows Eve It was All Hallows Eve And she was all alone Shadows surrounded he...